Community Partnerships: Workshops and Trainings
Seattle Counseling and Wellness values connecting with the community. We understand the importance of contributing to the health and wellness of community members through speaking engagements and community involvement. Our clinicians bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and passion to the community support and psychoeducation we provide.
Presentation topics include:
Sexual Assault Awareness
Setting Boundaries
How To Seek Out and Utilize Mental Health Services
Coping Skills For Stress and Anxiety
Asking For Help
Trauma and Microagressive Trauma
Variant Sexualities
Variant Relationship Constellations
We work with educators, clinicians and administrators in the following areas:
Creating LGBTQ+ Affirming Environments
Creating Safe Environments For Trauma Survivors
Working Effectively With Individuals Through The Gender Affirmation/Transition Process
How To Identify and Avoid Microaggressions When Working With Diverse Populations
Working With School Administrators & Teachers Around Trauma-Informed Approaches & Other Mental Health Issues Commonly Seen in School-Aged Children
At Seattle Counseling and Wellness, we provide a comprehensive range of diverse trainings and workshops on mental health, company culture, and workplace wellness. Our programs are tailored to meet the needs of various industries, ensuring your team receives relevant and impactful support. Below are some companies that we have worked with: